
①屋面:屋面长期暴露,阳光、雪雨直接侵蚀,严冬酷暑温度变化大,昼夜之间屋面板会发生伸缩,因此应选用耐老化性能好的,且有一定延伸性和耐热度高的材料。如矿物粒面、聚酯胎改性沥青卷材、三元乙丙片材或沥青油毡等。  ②地下:根据地下工程长期处于潮湿状态又难维修,但温差变化小等特点,需采用刚柔结合的多道设防,除刚性防水添加剂外,还应选用耐霉烂、耐腐蚀性好的、使用寿命长的柔性材料,在垫层上做防水时,还应选用耐穿刺性的材料,如厚度为3mm或4mm的玻纤、聚酯胎改性沥青卷材、玻璃布油毡等;当使用高分子防水基材时必须选用耐水性好的粘结剂,基材的厚度应不小于1.5mm;选用防水涂料时应选用成膜快的,不产生再乳化的材料,如聚氨酯、硅橡胶防水涂料等,其厚度应不小于2.5mm。 ③厕浴间:厕浴间一般面积不大,阴阳角多,而且各种穿楼板管多、卷材、片材施工困难,宜选用防水涂料,涂层可形成整体的无缝涂膜,不受基面凹凸形状影响,如JS复合防水涂料、氯丁胶乳沥青涂料、聚氨脂防水涂料等。对穿楼板的管道,可选用密封膏或遇水膨胀橡胶条处理。
Waterproof membrane is mainly used for building walls, roof, and roads, tunnels, underground parking, etc., to achieve the protection against external rainwater, groundwater leakage can be rolled into a roll of flexible Waterproof products, waterproof membrane engineering foundation and the building between the non-leakage connection, waterproofing works in the entire project is the first barrier on the success or failure of the entire waterproofing project has an important significance. Waterproof membrane itself must have the following aspects of the basic performance:
   1, water resistance. Water resistance refers to the water under the action and the water remained basically unchanged after the infiltration, in the role of water under pressure with impermeability, generally multi-purpose impermeability, water absorption and other indicators to indicate.
   2, mechanical strength, extensibility and resistance to fracture. This refers to the waterproof membrane to withstand a certain load, stress or deformation under certain conditions do not break performance. General multi-purpose tension, tensile strength and elongation at break and other indicators to be expressed.
   3, the temperature stability. Temperature stability is not at high temperatures, bubble, no flow, no sliding, low temperature does not brittle crack performance, that is, under certain temperature changes to maintain the original performance capabilities. General multi-purpose heat resistance, heat resistance and other indicators to indicate.
   4, atmospheric stability. Atmospheric stability refers to the ability to resist erosion in the long term under combined effects of sunlight, heat, ozone and other chemical attack media. Commonly used anti-aging, heat aging and other indicators to maintain the index
   5, flexibility. Flexibility refers to the ability to maintain flexibility at low temperatures. Flexibility to ensure easy construction, not brittle crack is extremely important. General multi-purpose flexibility, low-temperature bending and other indicators to indicate.

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